We are special dealing in design, production, import and export of the textiles and jacquard. 我公司是一家专门从事家用纺织品及提花面料的设计、生产和出口的专业公司。
For a few special export Item, we can adopt payment by Installment. 在一些特殊的出口项目中,我们可采用分期付款的方式。
Special export packing is include in our price. 我价格已包括具体出口包装费在内。
But, for the moment, it will be hard for us steel companies to use existing law to bring "anti-dumping" actions, which impose special import duties on companies deemed to be unfairly charging lower prices in their export markets than at home. 但就目前而言,美国钢铁公司难以利用现行法律采取“反倾销”行动,即倘若认定企业在出口市场收取的价格低于国内市场,则将对实施这种不公平行为的企业征收特别进口关税。
And whose volume of textiles and clothing trade is comparatively small in the markets of the importing members, special consideration shall be given to the export needs of such members when considering quota levels, growth rates and flexibility; 并且其纺织品和服装贸易总量在进口成员市场中的份额相对较小,则在考虑配额水平,增长率和灵活性时,应对此类成员的出口需要给予特殊考虑;
The U.S.government and the Software Publishers Association ( SPA) have negotiated a special simplified export status for RC2 and RC4. 美国政府和软件出版商协会(spa)已就rc2和rc4的特别简化的出口型进行协商。
For export of products, the enterprise shall additionally complete a Special Customs Declaration Form for Export Tax Refund of Goods. 产品出口时,企业应增填一份“出口退税货物专用报关单”。
A special single-phase stepping motor, which is controlled by pulse of different width to export a fixed directional and rotary movement with the same stepping angle, is described in this paper. 简介了一种可以由不等宽脉冲控制、产生相等步进角的单向旋转运动的特殊单相步进电机,并详细讨论了其工作原理、结构和特点。
These special terms and conditions are made in accordance with the two directions of import and export as well as the logistics route and logistics program. 按照进口与出口两个方向,根据物流路线段和物流项目,拟就本专用条款。
Now we have the special need and also the capacity to increase the export of intensively processed and high-tech products and enhance our international competitiveness. 现在我们特别需要,也有可能向精深加工和高技术含量产品转变,以提高国际竞争能力。
Pay special attention to export characteristic commodities, go a new road out of middle part of inland province. 抓特色出口商品,走出中部内陆省份出口新路子。
Keeping the policy of processing special steel products for export continuously and improving the method to carry out the policy are the key elements in practice. 为了进一步扩大出口市场的份额,必须保持政策的连续性和完善加工出口专用钢材的办法。
Since 2003, the domestic export enterprises have been worried about special protection incidents which are against China's export products and increasing gradually. 2003年以来,针对中国出口产品特保事件的逐渐增加,国内出口企业对此无不忧心忡忡。
It firstly expounds basic insurance principles: principle of maximum credit, principle of insurance profit, principle of loss compensation; Principle of immediate cause suits export credit insurance, it emphasizes the special principle of export credit, that is principle of risk partaking; 最大诚信原则、保险利益原则、损失补偿原则、近因原则适用于出口信用保险,并在此基础上着重论述了出口信用保险之特殊原则,即风险共担原则;
Processing special steel products for export is an important work to expand the steel export. 论述了加工出口专用钢材是一项重要的工作。
Caozhou Geng Cake, dried persimmon, named as "frost fruit", produced with Heze Jingmian persimmon, is one of special products of China, and is also the traditional export food. 曹州耿饼,以菏泽镜面柿为原料制作而成,人称“霜果”,是我国的特产,也是传统的出口食品。
It will also include research on some special applicable principles in export credit insurance, such as risk sharing, insurance fee, buyer's credit quota application, blanket insurance, indemnity waiting period, and claim persistence, etc. 对出口信用保险中适用的风险共担、保险费、买方信用限额申请、统保、赔款等待期、债权不放弃等特殊原则进行研究。
Chinese gum rosin is one of the most important non-wood forest products of Chinese forestry chemical industry, and one of the very special export forest products, which is one of the Chinese support industries. 松香是中国林产化工产业最重要的非木质林产品之一,也是中国具有鲜明特色的出口型林产品,属于支柱产业。
Later on, EU, USA and other developed countries implemented special protection measures on China textile products export with the aim of limitation. 随后,欧盟、美国等发达国家相继对中国纺织品实施特别保障措施,限制中国纺织品的出口,最近势头更加猛烈。
As a sort of Special Economic Zone, Export Processing Zone ( EPZ) is of great benefit to promote the foreign opening level, explore the new way of foreign opening, administrate export processing industry and develop local economics and so on. 出口加工区作为经济特区的一种,对于提升所在地的对外开放水平、探索对外开放的新路子、规范出口加工工业以及带动当地经济发展等方面大有裨益。
Based on the historical data, in this paper, it is discovered that the depreciation of yen harms Sino Japanese bilateral trade. The trade flow from Japan to China is determined by the special relation between exchange rate of yen and the export from Japan. 文章通过历史数据分析发现,日元贬值有损于中日双边贸易的增长,并且日元贬值使我国从日本进口的增长速度下降是由日元汇率和日本出口的特殊关系决定的;
With magnetostrictive materials centre and with the close circle controlling system, it realizes single point follow and special shave shape export devise planned making knife shelves; 以超磁致伸缩材料为核心,以闭环控制系统实现单点跟踪和指定波形输出设计异型工件精密加工刀架;
The rapid development of international trade requires to foster modern special import and export talents with stronger practical ability, but traditional single teaching way makes theory and practice disconnected with each other. 入世后,国际贸易的迅速发展要求培养出具有较强实践能力的现代进出口贸易专门人才,而传统的单一教学方式使理论与实践严重脱节。
Keeping and improving the policy of processing special steel products for export 保持加工出口专用钢材政策的连续性完善加工出口专用钢材办法
Because of the special nature, as external demand shrinking and the global economic deteriorating, export of textile and garment enterprises in China especially in urban coastal provinces is blocked. 全球经济恶化引发的外需萎缩,导致我国尤其是沿海省份城市的纺织服装企业出口受阻。
In the traditional categories of varieties of agricultural exports, tobacco, mushrooms, vegetables, essential oils, coffee, tea, etc. are special agricultural products in Yunnan strong resources, accounted for most of the export share for many years. 在传统大类农产品出口品种中,烟草、松茸、蔬菜、植物精油、咖啡、茶叶等都是云南具有较强资源优势的重点特色农产品,长年占据绝大部分出口份额。
Not only abolished the special license of grain export and food transportation restriction formulated by Kennedy Administration, but also reached an agreement on agriculture export with the Soviet Union. 不仅废除了粮食出口特别许可证和肯尼迪政府的粮食运输限制,而且和苏联率先在农产品出口问题上达成协议。
To change the status of the development of foreign trade system, China began to set up other types of custom special supervised areas, such as export processing zones, bonded logistics park. 为改变外贸体制发展状况,我国开始设置其它类型的海关特殊监管区域,如出口加工区、保税物流园区等。
As the effective special carrier for regional trade development, export processing zones with their specific elements concentration and industry concentration and other advantages, increasingly get the attention of each government. 出口加工区作为区域加工贸易发展的有效空间载体,以其特有的要素集聚、产业集聚等优势成为区域外向型经济发展的政策空间,越来越受到各级政府的重视。